
Balances our Ying /Yang energy calming your nerves. Boosts self confidence attracting self focus and inspiration. Tranquil and soothing energies to establish healthy relationships. Chakras: Heart + Throat.


Amethyst will help calm the mind body and spirit. She will cleanse and purify the aura for a great week! A natural tranquilizer it relieves stress and strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, dispels rage, fear and anxiety keeping focus on the task at hand. Chakra: Crown.


Green Aventurine is known as the “Stone of Opportunity,” thought to be the luckiest of all crystals, especially in manifesting prosperity and wealth. This beautiful stone, however, is not merely an attractor of luck, but one that aligns conditions so “opportunity” is inevitable. Green Aventurine releases old patterns, habits and disappointments so new growth can take place. It brings optimism and a zest for life, allowing one to move forward with confidence and to embrace change. Chakra: Heart.


Aquamarine is a stone of courage and is associated with letting go. Its calming energies will reduce stress and calm the mind. Known to be highly protective during pregnancy. Chakra: Throat.


Bloodstone can also be called "Christ's Stone" as it is known for vitality, life, birth, strength and passion. It is highly magical and protective. It can both ground you and boost your strength. Best used when you're feeling low, down, or energy depleted. Chakra: Root.


Carnelian is the creative energy stone. If any stone is going to get your creative juices going it’s Carnelian! Carnelian helps us become more motivated into creating the life that we have always dreamed of. It is also used to amplify sexual energy. Chakra: Sacral.


Citrine’s power can help you manifest financial freedom, success, prosperity, and abundance! It’s a happy and bright stone that brings good luck, increases your personal power (by enhancing self-esteem, mental clarity, and willpower) and clears negative energy. Chakra: Solar Plexus.


This stone enhances physical and mental coordination, amplifies intuitive abilities, and reawakens sexual desire. It serves as a shield against electromagnetic stress and is a great protector. Chakras: Heart + Throat + Third Eye.

Flower Agate

Flower Agate to shift you into the right mindset. Known as the Entrepreneur Stone. It will helps you reach your highest potential. It protects from fear or self doubt and is best used for manifestation of dreams and goals, as well as aiding in transformation. Chakra: Heart.


Garnet is the stone of commitment, it is a highly uplifting stone with its rich colors and warming glow you cannot help but feel supported and nurtured by its deep healing properties. It keeps you off the emotional roller-coaster by ensuring that your self-esteem is high enough to make healthy choices and that you approach life from a positive point of view. Chakras: Root + Sacral + Heart.


Eliminates self-imposed limitations. A yang stone that harmonizes the body's meridians. Disperses negativity and proves advantageous in legal matters. Elevates self-esteem. Facilitates concentration, sharpens focus, strengthens willpower, bolsters reliability, and fosters confidence. Chakra: Root.


Herkimer Diamond, also known as the “seed of enlightenment,” is a luminous stone that’s most powerful when used to manifest and while meditating. This healing crystal helps the wearer gain mental clarity, creating a space for new thoughts, ideas, and beliefs. Also great stone for opening your third eye. Chakra: Crown.


A symbol of purity, tranquility, and amplified love. It fosters harmony in troubled relationships and dispels negative thoughts, bringing peace to the mind. This protective gemstone promotes harmony and is often called the "Dream Stone" for its ability to enhance emotional insights in dreams and manifest aspirations. Chakra: Heart.


An amazing grounding stone for the spirit. Connection to universal love. Reduces depression and enhances self-acceptance. Chakras: Crown & Heart.


This magic gem known for bringing out the best in people, holding the energy of leadership, courage and creativity will help you with self confidence, will reduce any insecurities and encourages self empowerment for new beginnings. Chakra: Throat + Third Eye.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is known to be a stone for wisdom. It can protect against negative energy and promote peace within. The wisdom from this stone heightens self-awareness and illuminates the path to enlightenment. Chakra: Third Eye.


This stone is also known as the "grandmother stone" or the "peace stone" because of its highly calming energy. It can connect one to their highest self and open one's mind to all possibilities surrounding them. Chakra: Crown.


Malachite is connected to joy and transformation through healing. It is known to bring harmony and increase the power of one's intuition. It can be used to fight disease or sickness and can draw negative energy into itself so should be recharged/cleansed. Chakra: Heart + Throat.


Moonstone is said to be a stone of new beginnings promotes inner growth and helps us remain balance through it all. It stimulates passion within ourselves towards self discovery. Chakra: Crown.


Obsidian brings energies of protection and grounding. Known as the protection stone. Obsidian plates your aura in armor and keeps you grounded. Empowering the root chakra this jet black stone ties you to your physical form so that awareness and presence take hold. In effect, Obsidian’s vibration creates a boundary between the outside and your own inner peace. Chakra: Root.


Onyx is known for keeping your nervous system balanced and aiding in recovery. It can help you find your true self and make decisions with better judgment. It is a grounding stone used to connect you to earth. Chakra: Root + Crown.


Opalite is the stone for communication and understanding. It promotes a child-like wonder and increases flow. It stabilizes mood, clears negative energy and improves self-esteem. Chakra: Crown.


Peridot is the heart chakra activating stone that opens and cleanses the heart. Peridot also helps us to sharpen the mind and opens the mind to new ways of thinking. Chakra: Heart.

Picture Jasper

Get grounded with the powerful Picture Jasper stone that promotes connection to nature and earth. It cultivates harmony, gives comfort and soothes anxieties. It is also known to aid in recalling childhood memories. Chakra: Third Eye.

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz can purify physical and energetic bodies, promote focus, and attract clarity, light and reflection to one's life. Chakra: All.

Gold Rutilated Quartz

The rutilated quartz instills determination, fortifies willpower, promotes self-reliance, and empowers decision-making. It cultivates a subtle yet unwavering self-assurance. Proficient at delving into the core of challenges. Chakras: All Chakras.

Rose Quartz

The stone of unconditional love, contains energy of compassion, peace, tenderness, healing and comfort. Rose Quartz is a calming crystal great for trauma or crisis , including the upheaval mid life crisis. It strengthens our empathy, sensitivity and aids in the acceptance of necessary change. It dissolves the sorrows, worries and fears and resentments suppressing the heart ability to give and receive love and replaces it with healing comfort and peace. Chakra: Heart.

Smokey Quartz

Associated with the elements of the Earth this Smokey Quartz is great for powerful protection against negative energy. Helps to remove obstacles. Removes mental and emotional blocks. Helps with grounding while also raising your vibration. Chakra: Root.

Strawberry Quartz

Known for calming feelings associated with anxiety, depression and other emotional disorders. But most of all, this stone represents love and relationships, opening the heart chakra and emitting a powerful love vibration. Chakra: Heart

Rainbow Quartz

Rainbow Quartz is a gemstone that can give hope to the owner. Just as its name says, this gemstone has the power of a rainbow. You can see a rainbow inside the gemstone when you light it up. From ancient times, it has been used as a sacred item because people believed that rainbows have positive energy. Rainbow is a famous lucky symbol. It would give the owner hope and light. Chakra: All.


Rhodanite is known to revitalize the wearer. It has an energy of wisdom and relaxation that brings us to a finely tuned state of awareness. It is associated with the heart as it affirms and promotes unconditional love and strengthens relationships. Chakra: Heart.


Rhodochrosite is a gem that harmoniously blends the physical and spiritual realms. This stone bolsters self-esteem and provides solace during emotional turmoil. Rhodochrosite acts as a regulator and stabilizer for the heartbeat, promoting blood pressure balance and enhancing circulation. Chakra: Heart.


Selenite cleanses + charges other crystals so the energy is always clear and positive. It also cleanses the aura from any blockages or negative energy. Chakra: Crown.


This stone offers extremely powerful purification and shielding from EMF. It improves mental clarity and is capable of improving the energy wherever it is placed. Chakras: Root.


Sodalite calms the mind and promotes order. It supports emotional balance, calms panic attacks, enhances self-discipline and amplifies understanding communication. Chakra: Throat.


Sunstone carries the light and positive energies of the sun. It will increase your personal power and bring blessings. It's known as the stone of joy and leadership. Chakra: Root and Sacral.

Tiger's Eye

Harmonizes the brain's hemispheres, balances yin and yang energies, and revitalizes the body. It encourages resilience and courage and amplifies psychic talents. A safeguarding gem that illuminates the proper application of power. Facilitates goal achievement and the discovery of inner reservoirs. Chakra: Root.

Tree Agate

This gemstone encourages introspection, leading to a calm and composed disposition. It serves to fortify relationships, promote emotional composure, and provide a nurturing shield to the wearer. Chakra: Heart.


Tourmaline is associated with blocking and protecting against any negative energy. It is known to increase emotional stability, intellect, and physical wellness. Chakra: Base.


This healing stone is known to bring luck and promotes honest communication. It is known to be healing for the immune system and for inflammation. Chakra: Throat.